Sunday, February 28, 2010

Preparing for the Cosmic Tsunami

From the 8 Dynamics of Life (Spiritual Dynamic);

(All thanks to Karen Bishop!)

More excitement is on the way. There is a restructuring of the cosmos about to occur. Just as the earth moved into a new space in the cosmos a few months ago, it is now time for other celestial bodies to move into very new energetic spaces as well. Thus, there will be a restructuring of the cosmos. This enormous mass movement will create a massive wave of energy, or rather, a cosmic tsunami. This massive wave of energy, or wave of light, will then wash over the earth. Being that we are now in much higher vibrating energy than we were only a few months ago, the wave then, will be comprised of higher vibrating energy, or light…and this light will then envelope all of the cosmos.

The Haiti earthquake signaled a massive heart opening for the planet. It was the precursor for the energy of the new earth…the heart energy. In this way, it jump-started the creation of our new reality. The massive earthquake that occurred in Chile yesterday was for very different reasons. And it will not be the last earth movement on the planet, as there will be more.
The Chile earthquake was a precursor for the wave of light. This earthquake and others are preparing the palette for the wave of light to enter. The earth is formulating a new “bed,” or restructuring itself so that she can better receive the new light that is soon to arrive.

When this wave of light arrives, it will wash over anything and everything, seeping into every nook and cranny, washing away any density or darkness that lies in its path. This is all part of the process for creating the new reality. In Creating the New Reality/Finding Your True and Authentic Space (the newest Emerging Earth Angels e-book just released), part of this process is explained in greater detail in regard to moving out our personal energy and overtaking the prior Earth blueprint. This preparation period we are now experiencing, along with the new wave of light, are phases that are necessary in assisting us with moving out our own personal energy in order to create the new planet earth.

What is occurring now, is that we are ready for this stage. We have anchored into the earth in weeks past, creating a release of any old and denser energy deep within the earth. This occurred so that the light could take its place, and so the true and rightful stewards of the earth would now be in their true and rightful positions for the arrival of our very new reailty.
After we anchored fully into the earth, we began to push our energy outward. In times past, before we separated from the old world, darker energies were pushing out and taking over. Thus, many of us were pushed out as far as we could go, with seemingly nowhere left to reside. With the advent of a very new earth, things are now reversed. We began with an overlay of Earth One, so then, much of the old was still in place. Now, we (the light) are pushing out-ward and taking over the old earth reality.

In this way, we began to bump into a lot of old energy causing friction, frustration, anger, and tightness, with seeming nowhere to go without hitting an energetic ceiling. At the same time, we are still experiencing the up and down roller coaster scenario with one great energy day/days, alternating with other not so great energy days. The fog can seem to lift seemingly out of nowhere, and then we can find ourselves back in quicksand after no time at all. We are literally creating one piece at a time. In this way, we create just enough to sustain us, use it up, and must then create more. In time, as we formulate more and more of the new reality, this will change. But know as well, that we are holding a lot more of the new energy ourselves, and in this way, our positive thoughts and visions can keep us in better spaces longer than ever before.

As the new wave of light began its preparation period, we were energetically removed from the scenario we had experienced up until then. This meant that we were suddenly held in safe spaces or rather removed from being affected by anything due to occur on the planet that might be disruptive. So then, during this time (roughly beginning around the middle of February), all that awesome energy that had been pouring in through our crown chakras halted. This created feelings of emptiness, hollowness, depression, a big dis-connect and separation, and also, a period of waking up pre-dawn for awhile with an inability to get back to sleep.
So where the heck are we now in this strange science fiction movie?

We are still being “sequestered” until the more massive changes and re-structuring are complete. I am told by higher level beings that there are “protocols” in place for events such as massive natural disasters, and being sequestered in protective spaces is one of those protocols. In addition, the new wave of light will wash away much, so that there will then be “room” to expand out-ward much more easily. So for a while now, we have been in a big airplane, circling the planet, without being able to land. Or perhaps still sitting on the bus with all our suitcases, waiting eagerly get off and unpack, but still unable to get out of our seats quite yet.

When the wave of light arrives, much will change. Things will fall into place much more easily, we will be elevated to a new higher level way of living and being, and we will be much more connected to the rest of the cosmos. Yes, the connections will be nothing short of profound. Higher level beings who come from this wave of light, arrived in my home last night to explain this process and to say hello to the earth and her inhabitants, as these higher level connections will be so much easier now. Being “one” will take on a very real meaning, as so much will now come together. These higher level beings also wanted to say, “Welcome to a very new reality of new ways of living and being. We are so very glad that you are here in this very new and different space.”

Connections, connections, connections. The e-book Creating the New Reality talks a lot about how we are so very connected to everything when we reach the higher realms, as this way of living and being came into my space in full force and in some very interesting ways in recent months. It is an experience and reality that I can only say is like no other. It cannot be explained in words and feels absolutely awesome and truly amazing. The love and gratitude for everything we are connected to (as we become very aware of this reality of “connections” when we begin living in it), becomes a norm and way of being, arriving like a warm tonic surrounding every living thing on the planet.

As this process of restructuring continues, we will feel things beginning to fall into place in a very new and different way. So then, the earth herself is re-structuring at very deep levels, and this process will continue for a while. And know as well, that there are higher beings of light holding the earth in their loving arms, while they monitor and assist with these earth changes that are occurring now and in times to come. The earth will be “molded” into a new shape, and it will be a shape that will be perfect in all ways for receiving and embodying the wave of light that is on its way. (I’m sorry, but I do not have a specific time-line for its arrival. But like all things that fit together in perfect and divine ways, it will simply arrive when it will. All we need do is enjoy each step of the process while being in the moment of each of these divine and miraculous steps that are unfolding for us now.)

Yes, a very new “bed” is being prepared for us now, so that we may begin a very new life in a very new reality of our own making.

Namaste ,
Leo Stroobants

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Emerging Earth Angels!

From The Spiritual Dynamic;

The Haiti earthquake jump-started the emergence of the new reality by opening our hearts and bringing people together once again. It literally cracked open the new earth, and prepared it for its very new beginning.
In very near times to come, we will experience additional natural disasters, and these will not occur in third world countries. Although the areas where these disasters will occur are most likely already known to many, personally, I do not see the need to report this aspect. We are always right where we need to be, at any given time. At our soul levels, we are always, but always, navigated to our perfect places and spaces. In this way, some of us will remain in these areas when these disasters occur, as our earth angel role will be greatly needed. Others can serve better by being removed from these areas, all according to who and what we have all come to do.
In addition, I rarely report these things well in advance, as I feel that there is always room for a different scenario. We never really know how and if all things will indeed actually occur. Reporting these events usually creates fear, and we are already having enough insecurity as it is. In addition, we might just create an unneeded situation simply because we are focusing on it, and it may have not been necessary at all. If we can take this ascension process step-by-step, and focus on each step we are experiencing at the time, then we are always right where we need to be.
Currently, we are right on top of the next impending earth change. Why are we having earth changes and can they be averted? Although they are certainly unpleasant and quite dramatic, they are none-the-less necessary at this time.
The earth is being prepared for a very new beginning. Certain geographical areas are thus being swept clean and cleansed, so that the palette for the new earth will be ready. As we are branching out now, and as the light is beginning to “take over,” a new bed is being made. There is no judgment here. Specific areas are not being targeted because they vibrate so low that they need a swift make-over. What is occurring here, is that there will be specific areas on the planet which will be the light centers, and these areas are being prepared for their new roles.
When a dramatic cleansing and movement with the energies takes place, the area that is cleansed always vibrates much higher after the cleanse and shift occurs. Haiti, for instance, will soon be a recognized sacred space. And some geographical areas may be re-arranged in quite a dramatic way as well.
This is all part of the process of creating the new world. We are starting all over from scratch, and so, the new world must have a new bed to lie in.
For some, we have recently been moved into a new energetic space in order to be energetically removed from these impending changes that will occur on the physical level of our new reality. Feelings of being “sequestered” for a awhile, of being removed, of suddenly feeling that one is now in a new and very calm, relaxed space, or even that we have finally landed somewhere that feels right, protected, and real, are some symptoms of having this experience. Several months ago, many of us were “sequestered” while a new hierarchy was being put into place. This occurred around the time of the separation of the worlds. We needed to be removed while something new was being set up, before we could move into it.
This new “sequestering” is very similar, but for different reasons this time. We are being removed while the new geographical earth is being prepared. These feelings of being removed are most prevalent for those residing in the areas that will be affected, as they are closer to them, and will thus, feel their impact much more. We are removed during these times so that we will not experience any trauma or reverberations from these dramatic changes.
Yes, these times are dramatic and stressful indeed. But if we can remember that we have planned this for a very long time, and know that things are being orchestrated and put into place in a perfect and divine way, hopefully, we can stay in spaces of peace, love, and calm while all of these changes occur.

This wonderful message was send to me by Karen Bischop!

To your enlightenment!

Leo Stroobants
The 8 Dynamics of Life

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

SPIRITUAL DYNAMIC; Put your life in perspective,__

From the SPIRITUAL Dynamic;

Sometimes when I feel lost in time, distance or perspective, I watch this amazing video again. 
It's a quick amazing trip through the known Universe and back in only 4 minutes!
It sure puts your life in perspective again. Try it out, it might work for you too!

May the Light always be with you!
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

26 Spiritual Guidance Principals of Life

A while ago, I read a wonderful article by a man called Jason John, that I wish to share with you today. It's about 26 Spiritual Principals, here we go....

1.All Are Related:
There is a Native American saying, which translates roughly to "All are Related". Everything in the universe is part of The Great Spirit, from a rock, to a plant, to a fish, to a human. The spirit flows between and within us all, and is the building block of everything. Since we are all part of the same whole, we should treat the rest of the whole as if it is part of us, i.e. with compassion and love. We are all part of the Great Spirit, just like all the different leaves on a tree are still part of the tree.

2.The Energy Flow: The universe is composed of energy. This energy flows between everything, us and within us all. When we have internal blocks, the energy fails to flow correctly, causing illness, lethargy and other symptoms. This energy can be directed consciously, we can see it, and feel it. How we feel affects our energy levels; negativity drains energy, positivity creates energy.

3.We Are Beings of Both Spirit and Flesh:
We are spirits, but at the same time, we are creatures of the flesh. We inhabit both worlds simultaneously, even though we are often unaware of it. We should not shun the flesh for spirit or vice versa. Both are equally important. We have to walk with one foot in each of these worlds, and pay them both attention. Neglecting either world causes distress in the other.

4.No One Entity is Superior to Another:
No one being or creature is any better or greater than another. We are all the same. We are all on different paths and have different levels of understanding, but that does not make any one of us better than another. Humans are not masters of nature, nor the animals and plants. They are our companions, and co-inhabitants of this planet. We are not superior to them, nor do we own them. We should treat them all with respect.

5.Belief Creates:
How we perceive the universe is shaped by our beliefs. If we believe we are in a hurry, then everyone else appears to be going slow. Through belief and positive thought, we can create virtually anything. We should believe in our abilities and ourselves, and we will succeed. We can combine the power of belief with that of visualisation to bring anything into reality.

Inside of us, a voice speaks and guides us. It is our intuition. We can choose to ignore it or to listen to it. Once we are in tune with our intuition and start to listen to it, we will be guided and will find that we can achieve more than we thought possible. We will begin to realise that the Great Spirit works through us - often in mysterious ways, but always to our benefit - in the long term.

7.The Higher Purpose:
Everything that happens is for a reason and for the greater good. We have to learn to look at events in our lives from more than just the normal human perspective. We must see them from the perspective of the Great Spirit and to look at what good will come from these events. This is the old maxim of "is the glass half full or half empty". We can look at events badly, half empty, and our reaction will be worse. However, should we look at events better, i.e. half full, then we are more positive, which means our energy is higher, and our reaction will be better.

8.There are No Ordinary Moments: 
The past only exists in our memory. The future only exists as our expectation. The only time that really exists is NOW. It is a precious moment and we should treat every single moment as special and live it to the full. By being in the present, we have presence. To live in the now the conscious mind should be quiet and you must focus totally on what you are doing, not what you are going to be doing next week, or what you are going to have for lunch.

9.There are No Limits:
The only limits we have are those we place upon ourselves, or others place upon us. To this end, we should avoid being put in a pigeonhole and labelled by others. If someone views a dog as being vicious, then it is more likely to be vicious. We should hold no expectations of others, and let them be themselves, just as we should be ourselves.

10.Action not Reaction:
If we are tickled, our reaction is to laugh. We should be at a state where we do not react in a situation, but act. Reaction is unconscious, whereas Action is conscious. We should not let past influences affect our actions, e.g. if we were once bitten by a dog, when we next meet a dog, we should not let the past bite affect how we act towards it. There are times to act, as well as times to be still. By living in the present and having control of the conscious mind, we can better direct our action.

11.Positivity Rules:
Negative thoughts attract negative events and drain our energy. Positive thoughts attract positive events and increase our energy. To this end, we should look at our thoughts and the events which happen to us in a positive light, realising negative thoughts for what they are and releasing them.

12.Posture, Pose & Breathing: 
Energy flows through the body, as it flows through all things. If the posture and pose are bad, the energy can not flow cleanly and causes blockages, which manifest as pain or illness. We breathe in energy from the world around us. Therefore, our breaths should be deep and full, coming from the bottom of the belly, and not the chest. This enables us to maximise our energy. Deep breathing helps relax us. When we are stressed, angry or afraid our breathing changes and becomes shallow and faster. By consciously controlling our breathing and keeping it deep and even, we can release the stress, anger or fear, enabling us to act consciously in the situation.

13.Everything in Balance:
The universe exists in a state of balance, as should we. We can do anything we wish, but should always do it to moderation, never to excess. Should we do things to excess, then they can become addictive, which drains energy and may become negative. Being balanced allows us to act better in situations. If we are sat on the fence, so to speak, we can jump off either way should we desire to.

14.Intent is Action:
You can intend to do anything, and your intent is important. However, unless the intent is followed with action, then the intent is nothing. As an example. I may intend to get fit, but spend all my time sat in front of the TV eating pizza and drinking cola. I have my intention, but my actions do not confirm or create the intention. Therefore, if you intend something, do it, don't just talk about it. Action turns knowledge into wisdom.

15.Freedom of Choice:
We all have free will, and can choose to do anything we wish. There is no situation where we do not have choice. It may appear that we do not, but there are always options, if we have the courage and strength to take them. We just have to have the courage of conviction to make the decisions.

16.Change Happens: 
Change is continuous and is always happening around us. We can not actually perceive change, but can see the end result of it. Change is not a bad thing nor is it to be feared. Through change we can grow and go forwards.

17.Taking Responsibility: 
Our actions cause a reaction - it is a law of nature. We have to be aware of our actions and take responsibility for them and for the consequences of them. It is no good doing something and then saying you did not mean to do it. Had you not meant to do it, you would not have done it. By taking responsibility for our actions, so we can take back our power and freedom to choose. We have to accept that no one will live for us, and that sometimes our actions will cause others, or ourselves, a measure of discomfort. Remember though, that discomfort is one way of helping us grow and to show us where changes need to be made.

18.One Step at a Time: 
To get to any goal, break it down into a number of small steps. If you have many small successes, then this will lead to a big success. If you aim for a big success straight off, you may fail. Remember that a journey towards any destination starts with a single step, and then a second and a third, and as many as required until you reach that destination. Remember to reward and praise yourself for your successes, however small they are. By acknowledging them, you increase your power and will to succeed, strengthening your belief in yourself.

We have no right to judge another for their words, thoughts or deeds. They have the freedom of choice to do as they please and act as they wish, just as we do. We are in no position to judge anyone, as we are imperfect ourselves. It is easily done, for example, you see a big man with tattoo's, a skinhead and wearing leather, and the automatic assumption is that he is trouble. He may be a florist for all we know. This colours our judgement of people and changes how we act towards them. By having no preconceptions of other people, we can interact better with them, and perhaps make a new friend.

Integrity is all about how we act when no one is looking. We must live to our own standards and should not judge others by them. This is about living in line with our highest vision despite urges to the contrary.

21.Air Your Doubts: 
By airing your doubts, fears, and worries, by looking at them and seeing them for what they are, so you can conquer them and rid yourself of them forever. By refusing to confront them, so they gain power over you, and become even more deeply rooted. After you realise what they are - release them.

It is very rare for us to fail. We only ever choose to stop trying. That is us exercising our free will. We can stop trying any time we wish, but those that succeed never stop until they get to their goal. Success often does not come easy, and does require work and effort from us. You will find that most 'overnight successes' have been working hard for that success for many years. Failure is not something to be feared or worried about, because we can never fail! Everything we do, no matter whether we view it as a success or failure is a valuable lesson for us to learn. By looking at a perceived failure as a valuable lesson, it no longer feels as bad. The only true failure is not learning the lessons our mistakes teach us.

23.The Ongoing Journey: 
Our journey of exploration through life never, ever stops. The destination is not the reward or the goal. The journey to the destination is the goal itself.

24.Don't Mind: 
If we take an objective view of our mind, then we can see that lots of thoughts drift through it, many of which we are unaware of. A sad, angry or fearful thought may drift up from the sub-conscious and change how we feel for no apparent reason. We must take control of the mind through tools such as meditation, and become aware of these thoughts and realise them for what they are. Then, we can let them go and stay relaxed and centred. By consciously focussing on our breathing, and keeping it deep and even, we can help to release these negative thoughts.

Emotions come and go. They flow through us all the time, often without us even realising. Many of us do not express our emotions because we feel we have to "Be manly" or "Be responsible" or "Be cool". When we feel the negative emotions, we can feel our bodies tense. If we do not express these emotions when we feel them, the tension is stored within our bodies. Having emotions is not to be feared and should be celebrated. When you feel an emotion - express it! If you are happy - smile and laugh, if you are sad cry. Expressing your emotions releases the tension they give, and helps you live more fully in the here and now. Once you have expressed an emotion, it is gone and will not return with the same force for that situation. If we refuse to express them and store the emotions up, then, like damming a fast river, eventually the water level will rise too high if we do not provide it with an outlet.

As children, we play exuberantly. We have fun, enjoy ourselves and have lots of energy. Then something happens, we grow up, and we no longer play believing that adults have to be adult and they don't play. Playing is one of our greatest sources of pleasure. It takes many forms, from sport to games to laughing and joking with friends. Playing increases our energy and makes us more positive. It makes those around us more positive and generally lifts the spirits of all involved. There are times to be serious, yes, but there are times to play too, and that is what we must not forget.

This might have been a long blog-article, but I really hope that it may inspire you.
It did it to me ;-)

Stay in the Light!
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

About Spiritual Stress,...

I am reading Dee Wallace’s book, Conscious Creation. and found this spiritual definition of stress that I really like. . .
In our spiritual work, stress translates to, ” being in resistance to Source and applying force  upon self to control for Safety.”
With that in mind, ask yourself some questions:
Where am I resisting Source? the flow? my higher voice? my intuition?
Do I trust that I am safe or do I need to attempt to control things to feel safe?
And if so, how is that working for me?
It is human to feel like we need to be in control.  However, the miracles show up when we let go.
Where are you willing to let go today?

Stay in the Light,
Leo Stroobants

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

About Universal Love,...

There are many ways of understanding love: the love between parents and children, between other family relations, friendship, respect, the sexual love, the love for things and other feelings of love.
The concept that includes the common element of all these types of love is that which best represents the so-called Universal Love which stands out precisely for not referring to anything in particular.

In principle, there is an interesting parallelism between Universal Love and the attraction of gravity. Both forces are general, natural, invisible, powerful… It the enigma of gravity of love.
By observing life, one realizes that he/she becomes rather attached not just to people but to things as well, in short, love is a journey together in space and time.

Therefore, gravity of love, friendship and attraction will be greater directly according to time, the more time spent together, the more love there is.

I Believe In Universal Love , Do You Believe In Universal Love?

Various traditions around the world have advocated cultivating universal love. Buddhist texts such as the Metta Sutta say that nothing is more noble in this world than loving all being as a mother loves her only son.
The Chinese philosopher Mozi says that one should love every older person as one loves one’s own father, and every younger person as one loves one’s younger brother, and every country as one loves one’s own. Various theistic religions say that one should try to love as God loves: without favorites and without conditions and without expectations of reciprocity.
On more than one occasion when I have advocated some version of universal and unconditional love, I have been challenged. Some say it is not desirable for a human being to have such love. Others say it is impossible for a human being to love everyone unconditionally and equally.

Universal love is an expression of the harmony of the totality. Everything is in harmony with everything else. Nothing is excluded. Your will is in harmony with your compassion. Your compassion is in harmony with your joy. Your joy is in harmony with your anger. Your anger is in harmony with your body. Your body is in harmony with your ego. Your ego is in harmony with other people. There is no conflict anywhere. Everything fits and functions as a togetherness, as a oneness. That oneness is you. (Diamond Heart Book 2, pg 173)

Stay in the light!
Leo Stroobants

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Who Is God?

Many times I was asked this question and frankly this is a tough one to handle, or is it?
God is Love, the embodiment of Eternal bliss. God is supreme peace and wisdom. All-merciful, Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent.
God is the womb, God as most people refer to, I would like to call The Universe.
We can find God as the sweetness in the voice of my children, the strenght of the winning boxer, the beauty of a sunny ocean in my beloved Florida, the melody of my favorite music, the fragrance in my just purchased perfume, the softness of my sofa at the end of a long week.
The Universe (or God as you may like) is in me, but not me, and is greater than me. When I was a young boy I went to school in a catholic monastery where my teacher told me that Jesus onces said; "The kingdom of God is within you!".
It is my belief that all Gods are fictional creations. We have reached a level of knowledge and understanding where the more intelligent and more 'enlightened' among us have discarded this relic from our intellectual childhood.
God is a name we gave to the Universal consciousness.
Still God remains to be a delusion build around unanswered questions,...
Seek inspiration and find God's energy within yourself,
Leo Stroobants